Sunday, April 22 is Earth Day, and more than 500 million people in 175 countries will observe the day by going green and following new eco-guidelines. But what if you could go green every day of your life and really save the earth! As a career strategist who also works as a high tech consultant launching new products and services and has a background in marketing and advertising, it's been my pleasure to work with many eco-friendly companies and organizations.
In fact, I've been a keynote speaker for the American Assn of Caves & Caverns National Convention, served as a marketing and public relations advisor for luxury-eco fashion designer Linda Loudermilk, and have worked with such nonprofits as ECO, THE TREE PEOPLE, SAVE THE BAY, SIERRA CLUB and worked promoting economic development, tourism and outdoor adventures for the State of Hawaii, the State of Alaska, Camp Colorado's campaign, Government of American Samoa and promotional campaigns for Fiji, Nuevo Vallarta (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico), government of Brazil, Government of Bermuda and numerous hotel chains including Disneyland Hotel, Sheraton Hotels, Marriott Corp and more.
During my 20 years experience as a career strategist, I've advised geologists who wanted to be Broadway stars, lawyers who wanted to be zoologists and more than 5,000 other clients who chose careers in more than 75 different categories ranging from astronomers to zookeepers. So it comes naturally to look at what's happening in the eco-career environment and what multiple sources of income you can create if you want to go green with your business and career! For more information, contact me at Joyce Schwarz,
What are the top environmental careers? You may not even have to go back to school to help combat climate changes. Here are three careers that you may not have thought of before:
1) Environmental Engineer: If you're already an engineer in another field -- say an automotive engineer or an aeronautical engineer or maybe you do engineering for a high tech corporation, you may be able to get your company to agree to name you their 'green guru' so that you can set up guidelines for sustainability for your firm and you can use your scientific and techno background to determine if production or services are eco-friendly. Who knows you may be able to get your firm to start a new windmill farm to produce all the energy you need for the next decade. If you want to get into the field you'll need at least a two year degree. Plus you'll want to read up on eco-opportunities and even take a seminar or workshop on how to 'go green'.
2) Park Ranger: Yes, there are still plenty of opportunities in this field. The Park Service always needs veterans in the areas of geology, architecture, design and hospitality to delve into the next era of what's called eco-tourism. Innovative park rangers work with communities to develop environmental impact studies and next-gen eco-education for people of all ages. Can you imagine how rewarding it might be to set up the first Butterfly sanctuary in your state? You'll need a high school education and check with your local Park service for other requirements.
3) Eco-Tour Leader: Are you already an eco-expert? Did you go green years ago? If so you may be able to become an eco-tour leader both in your community and across the country and around the world. Eco-tourism is one of the most exciting opportuntiies for vacations and touring. You may be able to tie in with your local travel agent and offer eco-weekend retreats if you still want to keep your day job. Or if you're yearning to explore new lands, check with some of the major tour companies to see if they need an eco-expert who wants to add a 'green' side to their tours. Who knows next year at this time, you may be leading an eco-tour into the Amazon Rain Forest, helping to provide needed income for local inhabitants while minimizing tourist footprints with eco-friendly vacations that help don't hinder the environment!
Eco-careers are just one of the paths you can take in the new area of the new responsible workplace where sustainability and social entrepreneurism highlight the path to success. For more information about careers and multiple sources of income that can help make your dreams come true, contact me directly at And listen to my podcasts on
Successful Recareering is a blog by motivational speaker, author & career strategist Joyce Schwarz. Joyce is the best-selling author of SUCCESSFUL RECAREERING, and THE VISION BOARD: the secret to an extraordinary life, and a new company launch consultant, She can be reached to speak about career change and other topics by contacting her at Or call her at 310-822-3119
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Saturday, April 7, 2007

Welcome, let me intro myself, I'm Joyce Schwarz and the author of several books including "SUCCESSFUL RECAREERING: WHEN JUST ANOTHER JOB IS NOT ENOUGH". As noted in the headline to this blog post, I'm pleased to be a 'featured' pal on the Lisa.FM radio network premiering worldwide at
"Get a life, not just a Job" is the guiding philiosophy I'll be sharing with you in these posts and in my podcasts and interviews on this new radio network. And heads-up, those audiotapes you see in the pix on the right -- don't worry they are in the process of going digital so that they can be featured in podcasts and interviews-2-go that you can enjoy on your PC, laptop or even download to your MP3 player or mobile phone. So whether you're just launching your own business or heading for your 25th anniversary corporate pin, or just quit --or yes, were fired, you'll find info that will help you create the life that you want. Don't worry, we'll also show you how to finance that life through various income streams that evolve from what I call your ideal income pie!
Wondering where to start? You're not starting over, you're starting better. Confused as to what you really want to do? Not sure you want another job? Afraid you won't ever get another paycheck. Too old for the marketplace? Too young to have the experience they demand for your dream job? Just heading for graduation, stay tuned, we'll show you how to start your career, change jobs or careers or launch your own business. Plus, we'll include insider secrets and interviews people who know the secret of getting a life, not just another job. If you want to receive a free chapter of "SUCCESSFUL RECAREERING" that delves into the mystery of how you can GET A LIFE, NOT JUST A me at AND stay tuned for upcoming interviews and podcasts from Lisa Osborne, the host of the new Lisa.FM network! js
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