THE ART & SCIENCE OF CREATING A VISION BOARD -- A podcast by Joyce Schwarz, author & career expert. Listen Now - "Career Talk with Joyce Schwarz" Or if link does not work for some reason or you'd like to talk to Joyce personally, contact her directly via phone at 310-822-3119 or write to her via email at joyceschwarz@gmail.com
What if you could picture your future? What would you wish for if a genie suddenly appeared in front of you.
Many of you may be familiar with the term Vision Board having seen it featured in the film and book "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. What you may not know is what is a Vision Board and how do you create one. To sign up for a free newsletter on how to discover the art & science of creating a VisionBoard contact Joyce at joyceschwarz@gmail.com.
NEW BOOK "THE VISION BOARD" --traces art & science of Visioning, Vision Boards and how to make your dreams come true.
Now you can find out more about the VisionBoard that is being used in schools, churches, Universities and by life planners, career counselors and spiritual counselors around the world. Schwarz is the author of the upcoming book "THE VISION BOARD" to be published by Harpers (division of Harper Collins) in 2008, the book will feature more than 200 pages (with 100 color photos) and will be hard copy. To contribute to the book or possibly even be interviewed, contact Joyce Schwarz at thevisionboard@aol.com.
''Live your Vision" with Joyce Schwarz , for private consulting or to book Joyce to speak at your conference or convention, contact her directly at 310-822-3119 or email her at joycecom@aol.com