Welcome, let me intro myself, I'm Joyce Schwarz and the author of several books including "SUCCESSFUL RECAREERING: WHEN JUST ANOTHER JOB IS NOT ENOUGH". As noted in the headline to this blog post, I'm pleased to be a 'featured' pal on the Lisa.FM radio network premiering worldwide at www.lisa.fm.
"Get a life, not just a Job" is the guiding philiosophy I'll be sharing with you in these posts and in my podcasts and interviews on this new radio network. And heads-up, those audiotapes you see in the pix on the right -- don't worry they are in the process of going digital so that they can be featured in podcasts and interviews-2-go that you can enjoy on your PC, laptop or even download to your MP3 player or mobile phone. So whether you're just launching your own business or heading for your 25th anniversary corporate pin, or just quit --or yes, were fired, you'll find info that will help you create the life that you want. Don't worry, we'll also show you how to finance that life through various income streams that evolve from what I call your ideal income pie!
Wondering where to start? You're not starting over, you're starting better. Confused as to what you really want to do? Not sure you want another job? Afraid you won't ever get another paycheck. Too old for the marketplace? Too young to have the experience they demand for your dream job? Just heading for graduation, stay tuned, we'll show you how to start your career, change jobs or careers or launch your own business. Plus, we'll include insider secrets and interviews people who know the secret of getting a life, not just another job. If you want to receive a free chapter of "SUCCESSFUL RECAREERING" that delves into the mystery of how you can GET A LIFE, NOT JUST A JOB...email me at joyceschwarz@gmail.com. AND stay tuned for upcoming interviews and podcasts from Lisa Osborne, the host of the new Lisa.FM network! js