Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How to Get Green For the Holidays!

How can you get green for the holidays? Blogged by Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, http://www.joycecom.com/ author and career strategist and expert pal on http://www.lisa.fm/

By getting green I mean earning some bucks and also doing it in an eco-friendly way! You won't want to miss this podcast.

Career strategist and author Joyce Schwarz just did a new podcast on that subject covering such topics as
*how to make more $$ for the holidays
*how to go eco for the holidays
*how to raise $$ for your favorite non-profit
*how to start a family foundation this holiday season

Check it out at http://www.lisa.fm/
and here at this link:

Joyce Schwarz encourages you to tune into www.lisa.fm and read and hear what Lisa and our other pals are offering in terms of fun tips, tricks and ideas for your holidays!

Joyce A. Schwarz is an author, columnist, futurist and head of Center for Successful Recareering in Marina Del Rey, California. AOL named Joyce as their first Workplace of the Future expert. She has been featured in scores of publications, radio and television shows ranging from "Wall Street Journal" to National Public Radio and NBC News . As the first Workplace of the Future Forum Leader for America Online she developed the first online section ever forecasting the future of 21st century work. Schwarz is also well-known for her high technology consulting Career strategist and Lisa.fm career pal Joyce Schwarz shown left in JPEG at an autograph session at a recent National Cable Television Convention.
How can you get green for the holidays? Career strategist and author Joyce Schwarz just did a new podcast on that subject covering such topics as
*how to make more $$ for the holidays
*how to go eco for the holidays
*how to raise $$ for your favorite non-profit
*how to start a family foundation this holiday season
Check it out at www.lisa.fm
and here at this link: http://www.lisa.fm/audio/joyceholjobs.mp3

Lisa and her Pals are offering plenty of fun tips, tricks and ideas for how to make your holidays more bright, and less stressful. Tune in Now!!