BRANDING YOURSELF is a key element in 'Successful Recareering': repackaging you and your skills and talents for success in a new environment and a new economy. This blog includes a humorous visual look at the process as recommended by (pictured left) Hollywood career strategist Joyce Schwarz, author, SUCCESSFUL RECAREERING: When Just Another Job Is Not Enough, the bestselling book featured in WALL STREET JOURNAL, LA TIMES, MONEY MAGAZINE, TIME MAGAZINE & MORE.
THE PINK BLOB VERSUS THE PINK PANTHER -- all you have to do to understand the value of personal branding is to look at the picture in this blog of Joyce Schwarz with her two pals. On the left you'll see a pink blob and on the right -- well, I don't even have to say do I because of course you know from branding and promotion and marketing and the movies that is THE PINK PANTHER.
For more branding tips and to see an educational video about how you can become the STAR in life & work, contact joyceschwarz@gmail.com about her new STAR*COURSE updated video CD about how to promote, market & package yourself for success.